Day 2... all right!
It's been a week since my last blog and I'm currently pondering the use of blogging for corporations who want to color their image with some youth or at least the illusion that they're "down with the people"? yay or nay? Don't leak corporate secrets! vs. Let's expand our network base. Seems to be the base arguments, but the question really is... Do corporations NEED to become a social enterprise? I imagine a stuffy old man rubbing himself with twitter/blogging/facebook to get in touch with his inner hormonal teenager. It's awkward and incredibly....amusing. There is the belief that nay, this isn't necessary because it's the consumers that need "bells and whistles" and businesses that need functional tools. But still, aren't shiny things nice? Me likey.
So these thoughts went down a wayward path towards specializing in Social Enterprise Administration in my stint to pursue an MSW. I'm wondering, aside from the non-profit world, does this extend into corporate philanthropy? Or am I walking down a question that is laughing at me as I ask it? A line of zeroes are following that increasing belly of debt and I'm wondering, what the monkey have I gotten myself into?
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